Squatty Potty: Unicorn

There are some adverts you watch and you think how did you come up with this?! They generally come from a difficult brief for difficult products to market – perfumes are one. I never understand the adverts for the perfumes, but as my fiance put it “how else do they get your attention for a product you can’t smell?” one point to him. They have to go to the other extreme to get us to watch it and remember it. but this product is well, hard, but definitely not as mainstream as perfume! Some days you wish you could be a fly on the wall and one I would put on my list s to be in the meeting where they came up with this! It’s very well done, and puts humour in to make it less embarrassing, hats off to the actor to be able to do it so well! #squattypotty to the rescue!

Skoda: European Bike Stealing Championship

If you left a high quality bike unlocked in Amsterdam, Prague or Rome, which city would the bike be stolen in first? And how long would it take to happen? Skoda decided to test it out for the first European Bike Stealing Championship 2015 with their site We love Cycling. They brought along a band and confetti to to celebrate the thief!