Popaganda: The Live Quiz Release

“We revealed the artists booked for this year’s Popaganda festival through a live music quiz and invited fans and music journalists to figure out the whole lineup themselves. Three bands performed cover versions of songs by the artists booked. For every song, the first person who tweeted the correct artist name and tagged it #popa13 won a ticket to the festival. News of the bookings spread for every guess tweeted. Soon, #popa13 trended giving proof to our insight that if there’s anything indie music fans love even more than music – it’s showing off their superior knowledge of it.”

I love it when people take things further. Why post posters all over the place and reach a few people at a time when you can create an event just to reveal the names of the acts? What better way to get people excited about the event, than creating a smaller event like a taster?


If you liked this interactive campaign, you might like these too:

Sprint: Unlimited Love Billboard
SNCF: Take A Look At Brussels
Fantastic Delites: Delite-o-Matic

Sprint: Unlimited Love Billboard

“Sprint, the only mobile network with truly unlimited data, wanted to launch their new popular EVO, the phone that helps you do what you love without limits on the truly unlimited network.

How could we highlight just how much EVO helps you do what you love?

New York has a lot of things to love. That’s why we created the Unlimited Love Billboard, a Times Square interactive board that helped people discover more of what they have unlimited love for in NYC.”

Taking social customer service to the big screens, literally! Getting people to tweet their favourite things to be shown on the screens is a great idea, but also taking it the next level by showing them where it is in New York, whatever they love unlimited. I also appreciate the fact that they didn’t just tweet them a map to where to find it, but also a photo of their profile pic on the screens, showing they understand the momentous occasion of having their picture up in Times Square.

Harry’s Bottle Message: QR Code Beer

Want to sell more beers? Get people talking? Why not do what Harry’s did and create a way to do both? Harry’s wanted to sell more beers, so made the beers communication devices. QR code cards were attached to beers, if you wanted to talk to someone in the bar and was too shy to do so, scan the code, type your message then buy another beer, take the QR code card off your beer, turn it over and place it on the other beer and get it sent over to them. Et Voilà! You sell two beers, and they get to talk to who they want to! Good idea, and the conversation doesn’t have to stay in the bar they can continue talking after they leave too. Shame talking to people has to be done through a screen now!

Dominos: Ultimate Delivery Vehicle

“At Domino’s we’ve worked hard to make our pizzas better than ever. Now we need to create a better way to deliver them. So we’re partnering with Local Motors, and their talented online community of car designers, to create the ultimate pizza delivery vehicle. See what designs and ideas other are submitting, and even submit your own at LocalMotors.com/Dominos.”

Ambulances, Fire Engines, Police cars. Why not Pizza Delivery cars? Specifically designed for the job, maybe with a heater built in? And extra stock in the back like sauces? a safe for the money? Dominos want you to come up with a design for their own delivery vehicle, which thanks to them working with Local Motors it could become the real deal. What would you put on your version? Get designing.

Axa: Going to like by likes

I always seem to find out about campaigns like these after they’ve been done, I would like to follow one one day. This campaign is called “Going to Like by Likes” by Duval Guillaume for Axa. It’s the story of Cedric, who had to get from Brussels, to Like Place in Hawaii, using his Axa credit card for young people. But to do this he had to get likes on Facebook. Each like he got on is page and timeline of his journey, gained him a dollar: 1 like = 1 dollar. He had challenges on the way through the towns too by the looks of it, I don’t know if he completed the Las Vegas challenge though “Find a girl and marry her”, if he did, I hope he got enough likes to be able to divorce her after!

Nissan Leaf: The World’s Cheapest Taxi Rank

“Fuel prices are getting ridiculous. But what if you could fill up for under £2? You can with 100% electric driving. It’s six times cheaper than petrol. Introducing The World’s Cheapest Taxi Rank, powered by Nissan LEAF.”

To get their taxi, people went to the taxi rank, tweeted their destination and #6XCHEAPER and the taxi replied with how much it would cost, then took them. I’d like this a little more if they picked them up from places as well but then there wouldn’t be an area for them to do their promotions from, so it wouldn’t work at the same time. The tweeting is good for the amplification effect but other than than it’s pointless.

Martini: Take Me Home Machine

“Martini asked us to highlight the fact that they care about their customers and encourage responsible drinking among clubbers. That’s why we made Martini and Mini Taxi co-promotion. We set up special Martini TAKEMEHOME machine in clubs. It measures your blood alcohol content and if it exceeds certain limit you receive 30% discount on Taxi Mini.”

Everyone gets curious when drunk, I’m sure plenty of people tried this machine to just see what their level was even if they didn’t order a taxi, I would like to know, I’d probably do it after every drink. That would end up in a very amusing set of pictures posted to my wall I imagine!

Bos: Bev the Twitter Vending Machine

Another vending machine this time, by iced tea makers Bos, created by Radar Asia Pacific, the vending machine gives out free drink, but to get the drink you tweet the drinks twitter page, @bos with the hashtag #BOSTWEET4T and the free drink is yours. Though if I tweeted them I wouldn’t get anything because cleverly (and to reduce fakes!) they used the location settings from Twitter to make sure it only works for those nearby. It also shows their name on the LED strip on the machine, making it a little more personalised. I wonder if there was anyway to choose the flavour you got?