SNCF: Europe. It’s Just Next Door

A sequel to the SNCF advert for Brussels tourism, “SNCF: Take a Look at Brussels” that utilised real time video straight to Brussel from Lyons via satellite link, check out the next one! I love the bike one, adding an little extra to the experience and the drawing of the charactatures help show it’s 100% real time

“A year after the success of the “Take a look at Brussels” campaign, SNCF repeats the event by launching a new campaign, “SNCF Europe”.

What if it only took the opening of a door to be sent, in a second, from France to another large European city?
On September 13th and 16th, SNCF and TBWA\Paris made it happen for tenths of pedestrians.

Bystanders were able to play with a mime artist in Milan, have their portraits drawn in Brussels, dance with a hip-hop crew in Barcelona, share a romantic boat ride on Geneva Lake, and join a group of young Germans on a bike ride across Stuttgart. These interactive and fun experiences not only created multicultural links among Europeans, but also enabled us all to realize that at the end of the day, Europe it’s just next door.

The success of this event is based on a double technological achievement: providing a spotless real-time experience thanks to a satellite connexion, and hold the operation’s sophisticated technology in a custom-made digital screen that fit perfectly inside a doorframe.”

9 thoughts on “SNCF: Europe. It’s Just Next Door

  1. Never heard of this ad campaign but really creative marketing in terms of incorporating new technology and sending such an obvious message of traveling to next door countries.

    Kind of reminds me of Molson’s Beer Fridge campaign

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